How Many Calories In Almonds and Health Benefits for Our Body

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The question of how many calories in almonds can be answered properly if you read this article completely. Almonds are given in the world since a long time ago. For your information, these kinds of nut were also popular in Egyptians and Indians as their additional diets. This is proven by some ancient Indian Ayurvedic researchers who believe that almonds are able to increase our intelligent and brain capacity. Whether it is true or not, many people are impressed with the nutrition benefits that can be received by consuming these ancient nuts today. Without further ado, let us check the calories and nutrition of almonds below.

how many calories in almonds

Health Benefits

There are many ways to enjoy almonds these days. They can be eaten raw or processed as almond butter and flour. It does not matter for us how to enjoy it. The most important thing is not only about how many calories in almonds but also what health benefits that we can get from these ancient nuts. One of them is to be cholesterol reduction. As we know, cholesterol is quite difficult to be solved. Just by consuming almonds every day, this problem can be reduced and even removed. Moreover, almonds contain unsaturated fatty acids too plus filling fiber.

Losing Weight

It is not secret anymore that almonds are good for you who want to lose your weight. There is no fat at all in almonds content. A study has been conducted to find out the relation between almonds and diet complementary. This study found that almonds are able to reduce hunger and make the dieters feel full all day long. As a result, the overall calorie intake of the dieters is well-managed so that it will be easier for them to control their calories every day. That is why we need to count how many calories in almonds. Thus, we have no worry to the calories which are found in almonds.

Nutrition Facts

Medical world has appraised the nutrition that we found in almonds. Thanks to the monounsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients like magnesium, riboflavin and many more. To know how many calories in almonds, we have to decide the size of the almonds firstly. For example, we prepare ¼ cup of almonds. Based on trusted sites, this size of almonds provides 207 calories, 5 g protein and 5 g of fiber. As you can see, the calories are already high even it is not a cup of almonds. Do not worry about the calories because these nuts are providing healthy nutrients for our body.

how many calories in almonds

Prevent Our Heart

Going back to the health benefits, almonds are also good for preventing our heart from any heart disease including heart attacks. After we know how many calories in almonds, we have to know other health benefits that are provided by these nuts too. It is caused by the vitamin E which is contained inside the almonds. In addition, this vitamin is also active to increase the power of our artery. Almonds are also known with their antioxidants nutrients that are functioned to support our heart health and avoid some factors that can influence cardiovascular disease coming to our body. Lastly, some key nutrients, which are important for our health such as magnesium, potassium, copper, can be found inside the almond content.

Brain Function

Before we calculated how many calories in almonds above, we have mentioned about a study that focused about almonds, which can increase our brain function. This can be happening since these nuts are full of nutrients for our brain like L-carnitine and riboflavin. For your information, both nutrients play big role for our neurological activity. That is why elder people are very good to consume almonds every week to prevent them from brain disorders and inflammation effectively. The worst disease that may come for them is Alzheimer’s disease.


The next health benefit that can be received through consuming almonds is caring our skin health. The vitamin E and antioxidants are the best for our skin because they can reduce the sign of aging properly. Do not worry because some studies have been conducted to find out about our skin problems. The results are amazing because almonds contain some nutrients that can fight against skin cancer.

Prevent Us from Diabetes

Last but not least, this may be the most important health benefit after we know how many calories in almonds. For your information, almonds are low in providing sugar or glucose. Thus, our bloodstream can be managed very well without indicating high blood sugar levels after we consume almonds although the calories are high. Instead, almond nutrition benefits can also reduce the insulin resistance properly so that our blood sugar keeps on low rate or level. That is all about the health benefits of almonds. These nuts are not only good as dietary food, but also perfect for our healthier body and mind.